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Jim Flick and Phil Blackmar on how to get out of a greenside rough, no matter your handicap

This video golf lesson shows any level handicapper how to get out of difficult greenside roughs. PGA Professional Jim Flick and Phil Blackmar lend their expertise to offer advice that is specific to your handicap level.

For the high handicapper who has little possibility of getting the ball up-and-down, Blackmar demonstrates how to make a more-approachable two putt and then get up and down in three. The medium handicapper might have a better chance at getting the ball closer, so Blackmar demonstrates how to open the clubface a bit and come at the ball hard.

He also shows how the high handicapper can try to go up-and-down and directly lift the ball out of the green.

Three Ways to Play from Greenside Rough

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Jim Flick and Phil Blackmar on how to deal with greenside rough based on your handicap level

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  • Greenside Rough 3 ways

    Denny wrote on: Mar 22, 2011

    This shot is one that can really mess up a round of golf. Be realistic about your ability to hit the ball over the bunker and set it down close. Better to take a bogey than a double or triple if you end up on the beach.
