In this video golf lesson, PGA Professional Charlie King shares some practice drills to improve your distance-control, or "lag" putting.
The goal in distance putting is just getting the golf ball close to the hole. These three tips will improve the essential tools: vision, touch and sense.
For the first tip, look at the hole - not the ball - when putting to improve your awareness of distance and direction. For the second one, putt with one hand to improve your touch. Finally, when you putt in the last drill, before you look up after hitting the ball, guess where the ball will go.
Charlie King demonstrates some practice drills to improve your distance-control, or lag putting.
Charlie King is PGA director of instruction for the prestigious Reynolds Golf Academy at Reynolds Plantation in Greensboro, Ga. He is ranked among the Top 100 Teachers in America by Golf Magazine, and has authored two books: "You're NOT Lifting Your Head," and "Golf's Red Zone Challenge." Click here to read his golf blog.
Dean wrote on: Nov 18, 2015
Great advice. I try to visualize my putt as I am taking my practice swings. I actually see my putt leaving the face of the club hitting the break and then rolling into the hole through the front door.