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The first step to "fixing" a slice begins with taking a close look at the grip.
The first step to "fixing" a slice begins with taking a close look at the grip. (Tim McDonald/WorldGolf.com)

What does the average golfer need most? A slice buster!

Kelly KlecknerBy Kelly Kleckner,
Class A LPGA Teaching Professional

The most common shot among the amateur playing field is the slice. More than 70 percent of all my golf students have or do struggle with this problem. Most women golfers cannot afford this shot because it loses distance and often lands in hazards or out of bounds.

During a golf lesson, I always begin "fixing" this shot be taking a close look at the grip. Many golfers over compensate for weak hands or arms by placing their hands at a disadvantage on the club.

What you need to do is to hold the club in your fingers (pressure with the last three of each hand) with your palms facing each other. Put a tee between your thumb and index finger of each hand so that your pinching it securely. The tees should be pointing towards the right shoulder (for right-handers).

After the grip is secure, stay relatively loose and begin to swing the club horizontally as if you are swinging a baseball bat. Notice how your weight easily shifts from the right side to the left without much thought at all. Your arms should be turning over in the middle of your torso as you swing through.

Gravity will let your arms and hands rotate as long as you do not have a "death" grip! Slowly begin dropping the club keeping it horizontal until you reach your hip area.

Then, begin swinging vertically; up-down-up transferring your weight from right to left as well. That's IT!! By staying loose and creating an "X" with your forearms and hands as you finish you will eliminate the open clubface at contact created by a strong grip and too much hand pressure.

Drills: Pull the chain drill: I like to have my students take a full backswing and stop at the top. Without hitting the ball, pull the club using a weight shift as well toward the target at least five times maintaining wrist hinge. Then set up to the ball and pull down as if your are pulling a chain from the sky. Release and finish your swing.

Feet Together: I like this drill because you swing your arms freely away from your body concentrating on upper body being able to hit a straight shot to the target. Put your feet about six inches apart and set up normal distance from the ball.

Set six to eight tees in a line at least three inches away from each other and go right down the line "clipping" them out of the ground. If your grip is correct and you maintain light grip pressure, you will clip them out in front of you without catching the ground.

LPGA Professional Kelly Kleckner teaches at Cherokee Ridge Golf Course in Colorado Springs, Colo. She played collegiate golf for Colorado State University, and is the founder and director of the LPGA Girls Golf Club for the area. She coaches and teaches private and semi-private lessons all year. For more information call 719-576-9176.

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  • chipping

    john shales wrote on: May 27, 2005

    sometimes I find that the ball is spinning off my club and going way to the right when I chip. I am right-handed. This extreme slice happens with my sand wedge around the green and unfortunately with my lofted wedges. Please help!!!!!!!


  • driver length

    alex wrote on: Apr 12, 2005

    i use a steel shaft 3wood and hit it as long as my driver,my driver is 2ins longer.would i benefit from a shorter driver,at 5ft 8ins i feel 45ins is to long for my frame.


  • wrist hinge

    John D Oliver wrote on: Oct 5, 2004

    I would like to know which way to hinge my wrist on the back swing.
