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Hands hold the key to controlling the clubhead on the golf course.
Hands hold the key to controlling the clubhead on the golf course. (Mike Bailey/WorldGolf.com)

Form an alliance between your hands and your clubhead

Karl FischerBy Karl Fischer,

Golf is the alliance between the hands and the clubhead. The hands are the only connection between you and the golf club -- so use them and feel the pure motion. All of my discussion of feel is with a purpose. We want to groove our swing so that we can simply repeat the feel and be consistent. Remember the 3 C's from the earlier tips.

The hands are the captain and the navigators of the golf club and the golf swing.

We sometimes get so obsessed with specific movements and positions -- with muscle rules and other complex details -- that we forget to make the smooth, flowing swing motion of the clubhead down and through the ball along the target line to the pin.

Occasionally I suspect we cannot see the forest for the trees. You know? Paralysis by analysis.

Be confident. Trust your clubs, and if you don't, get them checked by a professional builder to determine if they are consistent. Trust your swing. Prepare for the shot. Picture and feel your ball flight. Now make it. Feel it to the pin.

Remember, every shot must have a precise destination.

Karl Fischer has spent some 35-plus plus years teaching golf nationally and internationally earning the title of "IGAD-Doctorate," "CIMTP-Certified International Master Teaching Professional," "CMCB-Certified Master Club-Builder" and "CGC-Certified Golf Clinician." He has written six golf books, thousands of editorials, tips, "Bullet-Proof Drills" and much more. He can be reached at KF@555golf.com or by phone at (817) 673-8888.

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