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Once the ball has been struck and has gone away, let your whole body flow in behind the hands.
Once the ball has been struck and has gone away, let your whole body flow in behind the hands. (Brandon Tucker/TravelGolf)

Golf exercise will improve hands and swing

Karl FischerBy Karl Fischer,

We've talked about the "hands being in control of the golf-head and swing," and with that in mind, I would like to add another thought for you to consider and possibly even feel and adopt.

When you make your great smooth and flowing swing through the ball to the pin, the hips slightly lead the forward swing (they are slower moving than the hands and start first). But the fast-moving hands catch the hips right at impact or back at square (the address start point). At this instant, the dominant hands pass the hip and clearly lead to the relaxed high finish.

If you can imagine with me that your hands are passing throuqh water, their speed and power will make a wake or void behind them. Now, once the ball has been struck and has gone away, let your whole body flow in behind the hands and fill the wake. Remember to relax and breathe out.

Karl Fischer has spent some 35-plus plus years teaching golf nationally and internationally earning the title of "IGAD-Doctorate," "CIMTP-Certified International Master Teaching Professional," "CMCB-Certified Master Club-Builder" and "CGC-Certified Golf Clinician." He has written six golf books, thousands of editorials, tips, "Bullet-Proof Drills" and much more. He can be reached at KF@555golf.com or by phone at (817) 673-8888.

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