To improve your swing, you must know why the ball does what it does in flight. That way you at least know what really caused the errant shot and perhaps can make the correct fix. You must understand the simple Ball Flight Laws.
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Students ask all the time if they should take a practice swing or not. In response, I ask if they do in fact partake in this all important facet of the game. The answer usually comes back "sometimes." That's like admitting we would "sometimes" like to hit a good shot.
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If the golf club gets a little under or above the plane line as it approaches impact - without being excessive - that is acceptable, writes instructor Andrew Rice. But if you are under the plane line approaching impact, you will be hitting pushes and hooks; too far above the line and you will be hitting pulls and slices.
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Ah, the frustrations of golf. You practice and things just don't seem to change. Why? B.J. Hathaway, one of the leading junior golf instructors in the Southeast and one of the top mental game coaches in the country, offers two suggestions that will get you on the road to better golf.
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The majority of golf strokes occur near or on the putting green, but many golfers have no concept of how to hit a basic short shot in golf, whether it's a putt or a chip. PGA Professional Chris Czaja offers a wrist tip that will improve your short game.
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Tiger Woods' dramatic chip-in on the 16th hole at at Muirfield Village was undoubtedly the shot that led to his 73rd victory on the PGA Tour, a momentum grabber, an attention getter and a glimpse of the Tiger of old. It was also a shot that was ridiculously difficult by even his standards. So how did he hit the shot that makes mere mortals break into a deep sweat? Here are the steps you need to use to learn the Tiger Flop ...
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Tiger Woods' dramatic chip-in on the 16th hole at at Muirfield Village was undoubtedly the shot that led to his 73rd victory on the PGA Tour, a momentum grabber, an attention getter and a glimpse of the Tiger of old. It was also a shot that was ridiculously difficult by even his standards. So how did he hit the shot that makes mere mortals break into a deep sweat? Here are the steps you need to use to learn the Tiger Flop ...
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This video lesson covers what Reynolds Golf Academy Instructor Charlie King calls "golf's No. 1 tip for hitting the ball to the target" - club-face awareness. Unlike the equipment in other sports, the face of the golf club is small. The slightest variation of club-face angle can send the ball soaring out of control. King offers drills to improve club-face consistency.
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Phil Blackmar goes through a helpful stretch that will strengthen your hamstrings and increase your flexibility, which will eventually lead to an improved golf swing.
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Sonic Golf System-1 - which essentially measures speed and rotation of the golf club and translates it into sound - can help you instill good rhythm in your golf swing, which is an important element, whether your tempo is fast, slow or in between.
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